Online Parents of Kids: Keeping Our Children Safe Online Pt.1

Online Parents of Kids: Keeping Our Children Safe Online Pt.1

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The stats say it all. 90% of children are online by 3rd grade. We live in a digital age. I mean for goodness sake, you are reading this online parenting class while connected to the Internet. The Internet is neutral, neither good or bad. However, just like real life, there can be some negative consequences if we don’t use it wisely. Never is this more true than with our kids.

If the average age of exposure to pornography is age 8, how do we protect our children from the potential negative repercussions of being connected to the world wide web? We’re going to tackle this tough subject this month. How do we keep our children safe online?

You’re the guardian of your child’s heart, and we want to help you keep that pure by putting some boundaries on the use of your child’s mobile devices. Stay tuned for the second installment of “Keeping Our Children Safe Online.”