Posts from November 2022

Posts from November 2022

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, Nov 27th, 2022 Bible Study Lesson Bible Story:Psalm 139 Memory Verse:Psalm 139:13-14 esv BIG PICTURE QUESTION:What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him. CHRIST CONNECTION:Every person matters. God created us and cares for us. He sent His Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins. As we love…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, Nov 20th, 2022 Bible Study Lesson Bible Story:2 Chronicles 36 Memory Verse:Psalm 139:13-14 esv BIG PICTURE QUESTION:What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him. CHRIST CONNECTION:God was right to punish His people for their sin, but He kept His promise to provide a king through…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, Nov 13th, 2022 Bible Study Lesson Bible Story:Nahum Memory Verse:Psalm 139:13-14 esv BIG PICTURE QUESTION:What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him. CHRIST CONNECTION:Nahum brought a message of comfort to God’s people, reminding them that God loves His people and will protect them…

Kidz@ Weekly!

Sunday, Nov 6th, 2022 Bible Study Lesson Bible Story:Jonah Memory Verse:Psalm 139:13-14 esv BIG PICTURE QUESTION:What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him. CHRIST CONNECTION:God called Jonah to go to his enemies and call them to turn away from their sin, but Jonah refused. Instead, he ran away.…