Prayer Cohorts

Prayer Cohorts

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What is an online cohort?

In this highly personalized, 10-week prayer training, you’ll gather with an experienced prayer trainer and a small group of others on Zoom. Together, you’ll build a set of 5 or more personal prayer cards that you’ll use to pray through key areas in your lives. Each week, you will experience the accountability and encouragement of praying together. As you see God at work in one another’s lives, you will grow in wisdom and faith.

What’s the schedule?

There are four different prayer cohorts, each starting up the week of February 12th. When registering you can pick one of the following:

Tuesdays, 12:00pm (noon) – 1:15pm
Wednesdays, 7:00pm – 8:15pm
Thursdays, 12:00pm (noon) – 1:15pm
Sundays, 7:00pm – 8:15pm

What happens in a cohort meeting?

We learn to pray, and we pray. We learn through a book study, open discussions, and applying new ideas in our personal lives. Then we pray through five key areas in each of our lives and begin to watch, together, what God does. Seeing God at work in the lives of others encourages you to keep asking—even when you don’t yet see movement in your own prayer story.

What is a prayer story?

From the proven training of the book A Praying Life by Paul Miller, prayer stories are more than simply an answer to prayer to check off a list. Prayer stories emphasize that God is at work in the larger picture of our lives and of redemption. As we pray to gather and see God at work in the lives of others, you will be encouraged to keep asking—even when you don’t yet see movement in your own prayer story.