Online Parents of Teens: Shepherding Their Hearts, Pt.2

Online Parents of Teens: Shepherding Their Hearts, Pt.2

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Today I want to share an encouraging Scripture with you. 1 Corinthians 11:1 says, “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.”  Paul wrote those words to a the church in Corinth. He wasn’t speaking about parenting specifically, but he was giving a beautiful picture of spiritual leadership.

You see, the way you as a parent will be able to shepherd the heart of your teenager is for you to simply follow after Christ.  I know it can be intimidating to lead spiritually.  That’s why I love this Scripture. It simplifies the whole process.

  1. Follow Christ, and don’t be afraid to let your teenager see you do it.
  2. Have the courage to invite your teenager to follow with you.  None of us are perfect, but Christ is.  Just tell your teenager, “I’m following Christ every day, so if you want to know how to follow Him, you can follow me.”

That sounds spiritually arrogant doesn’t it?  It sounds like you are the expert in following Jesus.

Paul wasn’t expressing spiritual arrogance when he made the statement.  Paul was saying, “I love you so much, that I am willing to walk in front of you and lead the way to Jesus.”

Have you ever been completely lost?  Have you ever had the experience of stopping to ask for directions, and the person doesn’t just tell you where to go but they lead you there?

It’s so comforting isn’t it?  That’s the gift you offer your teenager when you offer to blaze a trail for them to follow in their spiritual journey.