Online PARENTSofSTUDENTS Class: The Power of Shared Experiences, Pt.1

Online PARENTSofSTUDENTS Class: The Power of Shared Experiences, Pt.1

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I want to begin by thanking you for participating in this online parenting class. I hope you have found our other sessions informative and helpful. You can check out our whole series so far by clicking HERE.

 My goal with this online parenting class is to encourage your family to continue to grow in your faith together.

Today we are going to talk about shared experiences you have with your teenager. There is power in a shared experience. You share many experiences with your teenager. Some of them are great and some of them are not so great.

  • you share vacations together
  • you share holidays together
  • you share crisis and tragedy together
  • you share mission trips together

What would happen if you strategically planned a significant shared experience with your teenager each year designed to help pass down your faith to them?

Here’s a short video that can help you get started in that direction. Enjoy!